To recognize potential candidates who might have extensive industry experience or may have already obtained membership in other landscape design organizations, the path to earn the CLD designation under the ‘Grandfathering’ provision was created. While grandfathered candidates are exempt from taking the written certification exam, they must:

  • Have full membership in any professional landscape design certification (to be approved on application by the Review Committee.)


    Have a minimum of 12 years of combined education and work experience in landscape design. For example, a candidate who completed a 3-year degree or diploma or equivalent in a pertinent course should have 9 years of full-time work experience to meet this requirement.

  • Provide CLD sponsor’s declaration issued by two certified landscape design professionals.

  • Submit 3 landscape projects, in which the applicant played an integral design role, for review by the provincial/regional portfolio review committee. Each project should meet portfolio submission guidelines

*Note: As the CLD application under the grandfathering provision continues to evolve, the review committees will address specific inquiries as they arise.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Grandfathering provision for CLD certification

Sample Portfolio Submission

Submit portfolios to:

Canada Nursery Landscape Association
Attn: Professional Development
7856 Fifth Line South
Milton, ON   L9T 2X8

Go to registration forms

Order your study manual

The Landscape Horticulture Certification Program is a nationally recognized, industry-developed program that sets and maintains standards for the landscape industry in Canada.