Recertification - Individuals holding CNLA certifications must recertify every 2 years.


Every 2 years, individuals holding landscape horticulture certifications are required to renew their status by submitting proof of 24 continuing education units (CEUs) earned to show they have kept current with advancements in the industry. They are to complete and return their recertification form with proof of CEUs-earned and payment of a $75-fee plus HST.

CEUs are earned from education and service activities, such as attending seminars or workshops, volunteering for industry events and judging during certification tests.  Speaking, writing, reading and online-learning about landscape horticulture related materials count and forms are provided to record these CEUs. More details about activities to claim CEUs are listed in the recertification form.

CNLA records and tracks to ensure a total of 24 CEUs are submitted every 2 years. Certifications lapse if not renewed more than one year past the recertification due date. To reinstate a lapsed certification, you are required to pay the full exam registration fee, retake and pass only the written component of the certification exam.

For more information, contact CNLA Professional Development at

Go to recertification forms

The Landscape Horticulture Certification Program is a nationally recognized,
industry-developed program that sets and maintains standards for the landscape industry in Canada.